A childhood fave that I used to watch in my bedroom on an old black and white portable television. This is a Hammer production coupled with 20th Century Fox that ran for 17 episodes. The plots were varied and had a blend of sci-fi, fantasy, the supernatural and general horror running throughout. The series met with mixed reviews but the general mix of stories and the great theme tune still keep me entertained to this day.
EPISODE 1 - EVE - A shy young man (Dennis Waterman) is something of a failure and finds love and salvation via a shop mannequin. A fair episode with Waterman convincing and the plot holding attention. Michael Gough plays a good part as a rather abrasive employer and duly gets his comeuppance.
EPISODE 2 - JANE BROWN'S BODY - A woman (Stefanie Powers) attempts suicide but his saved and given a second chance at life by the a mysterious doctor and his wife. The young woman is kept under control has she attempts to regain her memory in what is a middling tale.
EPISODE 3 - THE INDIAN SPIRIT GUIDE - A familiar tale by Robert Bloch is played out here as a widow (Julie Harris) tries to get in touch with her dead husband via the use of several mediums. She hires a detective (Tom Adams) who helps her uncover several phonies but who uses his own trickery to try and con the lady out of her fortune. A solid yarn.
EPISODE 4 - MISS BELLE - A cruel tale of child abuse but not in the way one would expect. Barbara Jefford is highly convincing as an embittered spinster who hates all men and who has decided to raise her niece in her own warped way. A travelling drifter enters the fray, sexual frustration and the true nub of the story are exposed in a quite startling tale.
EPISODE 5 - PAPER DOLLS - A set of quadruplets have telepathic powers and can pass on certain abilities whilst feeling one another's pain.  Their leader is known as Stephen, the most powerful of the group and the most unhinged. 2 teachers investigate matters, uncover the results of sinister Nazi-experimentation and get caught up in a Wyndham-esque drama that tests their mettle.  A quite solid episode with the unsettling children good value indeed.
EPISODE 5 - THE NEW PEOPLE- A young American couple move into a seemingly cosy little English area laden with friendly middleclass do-gooders.  The overwhelming presence of the neighbours hints at something sinister and it isn't before long sub-texts are exposed and the slimy leader is making his malicious move.  This is a great little tale with Patrick Allen in a superb role as the skin-crawling lecherous Luther.

EPISODE 7 - ONE ON AN ISLAND - A young man trying to prove himself goes on a solo round the world sailing adventure but soon ends up marooned on a desert island.  Companionship and love are key needs that are soon met when a woman arrives under suspicious circumstances.  All appears to be heavenly until a pilot comes ashore after crashing his plane - jealousy soon arises and, in due course, complete insanity.  A tame tale that does have a good watchable factor.
EPISODE 8 - MATAKITAS IS COMING - What we have here is a claustrophobic tale that sees a female mystery writer transported back in time as she investigates a woman's murder in the library where she is doing her research. We soon learn that the victim was killed by a psychotic serial killer in league with the devil. Of course, there is a twist, but the plot holds good if one is happy to switch off and put belief and reality on hold.
EPISODE 9 - GIRL OF MY DREAMS - A run of the mill tale concerns a waitress who has the power to predict when people will die.  Her dreams are son noted by the moral-free gent who she falls in love with.  he abuses her talents and looks to profit from her predictions with the end twist a satisfying outcome.  I like this one due to the performances by he two leads, it is a neatly executed episode even though the premise is timeworn.
EPISODE 10 - SOMEWHERE IN A CROWD - A television news anchor is haunted. He witnesses several tragic events and each time there are five people present. We soon learn the man under the psychological spotlight has had a breakdown after being involved in an accident that saw many lives lost. A love interest, a feeling that the mind is slipping and a creeping mistrust - this is a minor beauty.

EPISODE 11 - DO ME A FAVOUR AND KILL ME - An struggling actor with a bad attitude and a drink problem asks a friend to kill him so his wife can claim the insurance money. A change of mind comes as circumstances alter but the friend with the given mission can no longer be contacted. A cute tale with a good level of tension. Cotten plays the angsty actor very well indeed.

EPISODE 12 - THE BECKONING FAIR ONE - Based on the Oliver Onions novella what we have here is the tale of a man and his fiancee and the haunting by a beautiful girl whose main presence is via a painting.  the mental collapse of the lead gut and his growing obsession are well played out in a tale that has many obvious traits but is still worth the effort.
EPISODE 13 - THE LAST VISITOR - A young woman, who seems to have a few nervous traits, is on vacation at a seaside town,  She is soon troubled by a mysterious man who keeps appearing in the guest house.  The proprietress spins her a tale regarding her estranged husband who just can't get over the split and who is jealous of her popularity - all, of course, is not what it seems in the slow moving but adequate yarn.  Kay Walsh puts in a very convincing stint.

EPISODE 14 - POOR BUTTERFLY - Perhaps the weakest tale of the series with a man invited to a fancy dress party by someone he doesn't know.  Upon arrival he appears to be thrown back in time where he meets a girl, cultivates a fondness and duly realises that strange events are taking place and the young girls need to get away is based on a real fear of impending doom.  The plot is a trifle obvious and progress is ultimate slow and drawn out.
EPISODE 15 - STRANGER IN THE FAMILY - A boy has special powers that allow him to control people and act against their will.  He falls in love with the partner of a shifty shyster who sees an opportunity to make money.  A hypnotist act ends in disaster and it isn't long before matters come to a head and our troubled lead seeks a way out.  A very absorbing watch and one that is nicely played out by all involved.  Again, a couple of familiar faces help one warm to the tale.
EPISODE 16 - THE MADISON EQUATION - A computer technician is electrocuted after a plan to kill his adulterous wife fails. The computer has been developed to learn and think for itself, it seems as though the philandering lady has helped create a monster and it isn't long before we learn the true madness behind the wired-up machine. Barbara Bel Geddes pus in a good stint in a predictable but enjoyable yarn.
EPISODE 17 - THE KILLING BOTTLE - A budding musician falls under the influence of a crooked promoter. The music maker is also a butterfly collector, something which comes into play when his corrupt mentor tries to trick his insane brother into parting with his funds. The key to the plot is the mentally crooked brothers abhorrence of cruelty to animals. This is a quality closure to a fine, underrated series.